~If you are going to doubt something doubt your limits~

måndag 14 april 2014

Permaculture design on la Gomera

Just got home from an amazing Permaculture Design Certificate course on la Gomera, canaries islands. A really interesting and educating course with some amazing people set in a magical subtropical paradise!
Tought by Helder Valente with the New School permaculture this gives you a deep dive into the world of permaculture.
But whats "permaculture"?
"Permaculture is a branch of ecological design and engineering that develops sustainable human settlements and self-maintained agricultural systems modeled from natural ecosystems." said someone but this doesnt really give total justice to the full understanding of "whats it all about".
he core ethics of permaculture are:

Take Care of the EarthProvision for all life systems to continue and multiply. This is the first ethic, because without a healthy earth, humans cannot flourish.

Take Care of the PeopleProvision for people to access those resources necessary for their existence.

Share the SurplusHealthy natural systems use outputs from each element to nourish others. We humans can do the same. By governing our own needs, we can set resources aside to further the above ethics.
This together with some basic principles you get a picture of the basic concept.

Not wanting to go into to much detail in this very large subject called permaculture, I recommend anyone who is interested in learning more to participate in one of the many PDC courses offered around the world or why not volunteer on a permaculture project? Or just applying and trying in your own way, in your garden, your social life or elsewhere where the ethics and principles might be applied.

Here are as follows some pictures from the recent course. ENJOY!

Permaculture Ethics and principles.
Design in progress
Drawing contour lines at the playa using an A-frame
Making a hot compost pile
Breaking into the dry toilet
Using the sand as a educational tool the beach is a creative and fun place for a classroom

Designing a foodforest
Making Biochar using recycled materials

Cooking on the rocket stove!!!
FoodForest designs!

Finding order among chaos in the patterns of nature

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